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Readers’ poll: is it right to means-test the winter fuel payment?

Last month the chancellor, Rachel Reeves, announced an end to the universal winter fuel payment for pensioners in England and Wales. The subsidy will now go only to those who are receiving pension credit or other means-tested benefits.
Those who oppose the change say it could endanger the health of many pensioners who are not on those benefits but still struggle to pay their heating bills in cold weather, and point out that shortly after cutting the universal fuel payment the government found money for public sector wage rises.
Those who support it say that, as a group, pensioners are well off, and that means-testing will ensure those in real need are still supported while preventing unjustifiable payments to the affluent.
What’s your view?
Poll result will be published in The Sunday Times on September 1. See the results of last week’s poll, “Should Ukraine’s use of British weapons in Russia be limited?”, here.
